A grande interrogação proposta é se poderá haver uma presunção de que há qualquer coisa para ensinar, para transmitir, no que à arte diz respeito.

A decisão de, pelo menos, tentar manter as incoerências próprias de um diálogo deste género feito em conjunto é a única justificação para o título do espectáculo, mesmo que estas incoerências se percam depois de cada um dizer o que pensa.

São estes momentos de incoerência que são o centro da discussão. São opiniões directas atiradas à cara do investimento de sentido que cada um faz e que está permanentemente sujeito a mudanças, um processo que se opera através do colapso do investimento dos outros.

Entre concordância e discordâncias o que se tenta enfatizar, talvez apenas simbolicamente, é mesmo uma mudança. Uma mudança visível inserida dentro da certeza que é necessária para passar conhecimento artístico.

Ch-ch-changes, pretty soon now you’re gonna get a little older

David Bowie

4 de maio de 2010

Portrait of a Kicked Ass

You take intellectual risks. You talk to people and ask if they want to contribute.

You meet people all the time and they become your peers. You are part of this little think tank.

You have ideas, as an artist, about artistic problems that nobody gives a shit about. You meet people all the time. You aren’t an artist yourself, they say.

You are abroad. You are abroad in this fucking little think tank. You take intellectual risks. You move. It takes hours to negotiate your place.

You fuck an announcement for the media, and you thank people for being there.

But you also remix. You write for subsidies, and you thank those academics. It takes hours to negotiate your place. It’s a great excuse for not paying attention to all the thoughts you have.

But you take intellectual risks about your reflections about artistic problems. You are a clown. Just kidding.

Then you make a solo exhibition. It took hours to negotiate your place, and you’d better thank god and invite him to a fucking boring party, to get drunk and make a group exhibition. Then you become peers.

So fuck off. Don’t tell me what meaning means. Means with a “b” instead of an “m” is beans. But you continue to develop your thought your way. Just kidding again.

You aren’t an artist yourself, they say. So, you are a co-clown, in this fucking amazing group exhibition.

Pedro Barreiro

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